Friday, November 18, 2011

Great Girlfriends

Well, I'm back again after a long absence.  I'm sure you are just starting to expect it by now.  I wanted to post today about great girlfriends.  It's so hard sometimes as women to be able to get and keep great girlfriends.  I'm talking about REAL girlfriends: the kind you can have a fight with, brag about your kids to without them feeling they have to one-up you, be able to talk about ANYTHING (I do mean anything), and at the end of the day they are there for you always.  I am blessed enough to have some girlfriends like this. 

In our society, it's so hard not to compare ourselves to others, especially when you become a mother.  Women are so hard on each other and tend to instantly cast judgment on other women:
Her life is so perfect.  She has no problems.

Wow-she has gained a lot of weight!

She needs to discipline her kids.

She must be in denial.  Doesn't she know her child has Down syndrome and won't be able to do what she expects?

I could go on and on.  You get the gist.  My point is that I have girlfriends who can tell me like it is, don't cast judgment, and know me for me.  I can be my true self, not the person that most people look at me and think they see.  I am so thankful for these people.  I have to name a few of them (hope you don't mind, ladies):


I have a few others, but the list is very short.  And you know what?  I'm fine with that!  I would rather have a few really great, close friends than have a ton of fair-weather friends who are wishy-washy, talk behind my back, and who can't be honest with me. 

I just want to say thank you to my great girlfriends!  You mean the world to me and I appreciate you.  And, I also want to say that we as women need to start giving other women a break.  Everyone has problems and needs some forgiveness and a great girlfriend in their lives.  Maybe you can be that person for someone else????  Or are you already? 

1 comment:

  1. I am so honored to be on that list. You know I feel so blessed to have you as my of my best friends who really understands me. I cherish our friendship so. I had so much fun at Debrands the other night...we need to plan next month's adventure!
