Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wow-not so good at this blogging thing!

So, I have been MIA again for such a long time.  I just need to commit some time each week to doing this.  Let's catch up.......

Keegan and Grace have started back to school.  Keegan is being homeschooled this year for the first time and is doing so well and really enjoying it.  It's amazing to see how happy he is each day now.  I don't think it was obvious that he was under enough stress at school that it changed him somewhat or we would have changed things sooner.  He is back to being that child we used to have and it's so great.  In fact, my husband said that even if his private school had the resources to have him back sometime soon or in the future, he isn't sure he'd want him to go back after seeing how much he enjoys homeschooling and how much happier he is each day. 

Grace is now a full-time kindergartener and is doing amazing.  She is a child that loves to learn and enjoys people, so school is her cup of tea.  She loves her teacher and has made many new friends.  Thankfully she is a laid-back child who can go with the flow.  She can get 12 hours of sleep or 8 and either way she wakes up in good spirits ready to start the day.  She doesn't take after me in this regard, but I'm thankful she is this way.  She gets to spend time with her dad each morning on the way to school and with me each afternoon when I pick her up.  I hope the rest of the year goes so smoothly for both of them.  It's funny that neither she nor Keegan care that they aren't getting schooled at the same place.  It just is what it is to them and they are cool with it!  Keegan still gets to see his old friends when I pick Grace up too, which is so neat.

Grace has started soccer again and we are looking forward to Keegan starting Special Olympics and guitar lessons.  I have never seen a bigger music lover.  His guitar is lovingly worn and he can name any country artist that comes on.  Gotta love it!  They both are back in swimming lessons too and have come so far in such a short time.  I never thought my dear boy would be diving for diving sticks with his eyes open underwater.  Grace is like a little fish and gets braver every time she is in the water.  It's so awesome!

Tim and I are cruising along.  He is still the most amazing man ever.  He is doing so well at his job and is really making some great strides for the aerospace dept. that he now heads.  I am so proud of him.  I am enjoying my work and love the small Bible group I am a part of.  These ladies know every detail about me and still have my back.  Tues. night 2 of us went and participated in a homeless ministry in Ft. Wayne.  It was a great experience.  I am trying to get out of my comfort zone more and more and this was something I had read about that touched me.  It is led by a couple of devoted Christians who show up every week, along with anyone else who shows up that week.  The ministry is called Saints on the Streets.  It's a hands-on ministry where folks show up each week and pass out food, hygiene items, socks, etc. to the homeless in Ft. Wayne each week.  Who knew that the street I have driven on so many times has homeless men and women living back in the wooded area right next to it?  I don't consider myself naive, but this was an eye opener.  For more info. or to get involved, please visit .  I plan on doing much more with this ministry.  God has called me to be a hands-on deliverer for Him and I plan on doing it.

Love to all of you!  I'll keep trying to get better at this! :-)

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