Thursday, April 19, 2012

I need your help!

OK, friends!  I need help in the next 2 days!  I am going on a trip to Ethiopia from June 26-July 6.  We are going to repair orphanages, hand out necessary items (hygiene items, clothing, food, etc.), and spend time with orphans and villagers.  I have about half of my trip paid for through fundraising.  If any of you feel the urge or want to help, please go to in the next 2 days, purchase something from the store, and choose my name as an affiliate at checkout.  I get 40% of the proceecds and if I am in the top 3 sellers for this week, I get a $500 grant also. 

Ordinary Hero is the organization I am going on the trip with.  They are great-check them out at their website I mentioned above.  My favorite items in the store are items that go directly to the Ethiopians: rain jackets, water shoes, Bibles, blankets, sheep, donkeys, etc.  Some of my friends and family have already purchased some of these items and the COOL thing is I get to hand out the items they purchased when I go to Ethiopia!!  I get to directly see the difference it will make. 

If you decide not to go buy something at the store, then feel free to donate to me directly at my personal page: .  It is tax-deductible and will also help me greatly.  You can also read why I am going on this trip on my page and see some touching videos.  I know that by blessing me through your donation to go on this trip, I can then in turn use my hands, feet, words, and heart to bless others.  I also know that the Lord knows when you give to others out of a love of your fellow people and will bless you for doing so.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and consider what you can/can not do at this time.  If you can't make a financial contribution, then please keep our group in your prayers.  We all want to make a difference while we are there!  Lots of love sent your way from me!

Pictures of Ordinary Hero members in Ethiopia:

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