Thursday, May 3, 2012

Twitter and Taekwondo

I recognize that I am a little behind the times, but I have officially fallen in love with Twitter.  I can't get enough.  I'm obsessed.  My addiction has now gone from Facebook to Twitter.  If you want to follow me, you can follow me at: @jkamleiter . 

I don't post anything that is going to change the world.  It's more to satisfy the part of me that likes to have a good time and joke around.  Plus, I can easily "stalk" my favorite country music stars.  :-)  Just kidding...........

Update on life:

Keegan has joined taekwondo.  He is loving it!!!  It is right where his interests lie.  I am so proud of him.  My little 9 year old is truly getting big.  He is filling out and getting so tall-reminding me of his handsome daddy in every way.  He is also doing amazing at homeschooling.  I'm so thankful we didn't get locked into what education has to look like and were able to feel comfortable choosing a "different" route for him.  It has fit him well and we are easily able to meet his needs b/c we can individualize his education so well.  Plus, the day-to-day skills he is learning that are so beneficial for every person are priceless.  

Gracie.  Oh, my Gracie.  She is still my comedian.  She is doing amazing in school and graduates from Kindergarten 3 weeks from today.  She is such a beautiful girl inside and out.  I think she enjoys reading as much as I do, which I am so thankful for.  Reading can take you so many places and she gets this!  She is so mature for her age, yet still is happily enjoying being a 6 year old.  She is playing ragball and soccer.  Her love of sports is gained honestly from her dad.  Her love of school and music is gained honestly from me.  

Speaking of which, I have decided to be part of a memorial tribute to my past band director.  Yes, part of my high school experience was being a "band geek" and proud of it!  They are some of my best memories and our band was no joke.  We have been to State many times and put in so much hard work.  Standing at attention for 45 minutes in 90 degree heat with a trumpet in your hands isn't for wussies.  If you don't believe me-try it! 

The problem with this whole tribute thing is I haven't touched a trumpet in 16 years.  No joke!  I was so burned out and over it that I sold it and never touched it again after high school.  Here I am now with a trumpet to practice and praying that I can get it together by June 23 so I don't embarrass myself.  I'm probably going to embarrass myself..........

I've also started the "Couch to 5K" program that is all the rage.  I am not normally a bandwagon kind of person, but I seriously wanted to find something to get me up and moving.  My friend swore by it, so I started it this week.  Grace is doing it with me.  She loves to run and always asks me to go running with her and I never have because I HATE running.  Fast forward to now, where I am signing up to do a 5K next month.  Crazy-YES!  But, great exercise and great bonding time with my daughter.  In fact, she held my hand during the walking part of the program and stated that "Her favorite time with me has been walking, jogging, and holding hands."  AAHH!  That being said, the girl drives me slightly crazy with her running commentary the ENTIRE 3 miles.  She is a talker.  Anyone in need of a future salesperson???  She will be the girl for you-I promise.  Following in her father's foosteps! 

Keegan in his Taekwondo outfit!

1 comment:

  1. What a handsome man in his Taekwondo outfit! No wonder we can never are one busy family...and amazing one too!
